LECA - Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate

As a rule of thumb, you just need to check that the water poured in during the previous watering has been entirely absorbed by the LECA. If the water is gone, that means it’s all stored in the clay balls and since the roots are drinking from the moisture stored in those balls at their discretion, you can pour more in.


Benefits of LECA

1: It's easier to water your plants
2: Less risk of root rot
3: The risks of getting pests are reduced
4: You can easily "check in" on your plants.

Fertilising LECA

LECA does not provide the nutrients your plant needs to survive. Most general hydroponics fertiliser is fine, but there are also specific types of fertiliser you can use to help your plants. Fertilise the plant once a month, (follow the ratio), to ensure the plant is getting the nutrients it needs.